Sunday, March 22, 2009

heart goes boom.
beautiful drawing by a lovely person on

funny how easily the heart decides to change its mind.
not that mine has.
but i was just thinking...
just how easy it is for it to suddenly. change.

while at the same time.
its funny how stubborn the heart can be...
how it seems to have a mind of its own.
not that mine does either.
i hope.

here's a little poem thing or just some words spread out in a particular way that i wrote sometime last year till now
in amongst all the confusion of the flurry of emotions at the time. its been tweaked with words added and taken away, all depending on how i was feeling at the time of writing.

i've always had a dislike for love.
what is it anyway?
the only reason we have all these
damn confusing feelings
is because of our damned hormones
telling us to
for the sake of survival.
i know.

when i yearn
for love,
i yearn to experience
that first kiss.
that second kiss.
that hundredth kiss.
but what can i do
when i cant even
that first
as much as i want to.
i just cant seem to.
part of me
is still not ready.
ready to leave this security
my comfort zone
there is simply
too much
to lose.

the thing about
is that they strip you down
to your core
strip down all your shields
and guards that you put up
your soft, pulsating insides

become your clothes
and in turn.
but at the same time
you are still left standing there
naked and vulnerable
susceptible to pain
no shields
no masks
to further hide behind
the pain is pure
and excruciatingly true
and there's nothing
you can do
except to
accept it all
whole heartedly


there's nothing
you can do
to stop it.

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