Monday, December 22, 2008

Mission Bay Trip!! (pictures down below!!)

Okay. this is pretty much purely for the sake of wenyu.
just so you know. you can stalk me online. =D
Wednesday, the day after you left, was when we all went to mission bay.
i woke up that morning pretty excited... i even wanted to wear shorts.
but the weather outside was actually starting to look pretty shit.
i mean there were like angry grey clouds threatening rain on us.

so i decided to stick with my classic skinny jeans. which i end up regretting later...

Since the weather was turning bad on us, i thought maybe we could just cancel and watch a movie instead.


emily, haley and terina were all determined to go to the beach.
so me and jacky just followed along.
lol surprisingly the weather wasn't actually that bad when we got there.
so we actually went to play on the beach. XD

this where i went a little mental and started messing around by the water.
even tho i had sneakers socks and jeans that i knew would most likely get wet.
which they did.

and straight after that happened.
the grey angry clouds caught up with us and started spitting at us. literally. spitting.
so we ran for the nearest shelter.
across the street.
at movenpick (crap. i have no idea how to spell that place)

che. well.
since we were there.
we all decided to get ice creams
ooo the lady let us try samples of some of the flavours.
jacky. that greedy git actually asked to sample ALL the flavours. >.>
we all just stood there pretending we didn't know him....

ooo did you know
they give away free water there?? =D
its soooo awesome man. XD

i had the the chocolate supreme one. (thats not the name.... but it did have a lot of chocolate in it) there was like this MASSIVE piece of chocolate stuck right in the middle of my ice cream.
i had a hard time eating it as it was so bloody cold especially when i tried to bite down on it.

but meh. i finished it either way.
tasted. bloody. awesome XD

ahh anyways.
by the time we finished.
the weather FINALLY let up.
so we went back to the beach to play.
jacky the pussy finally decided to join us
and took off his chucks and managed to roll up his skinny jeans to just above his ankles.
which i must say.
looks completely hilarious on him LMAO.
heres a pic.

well. yeah. we had fun.
the pictures can speak for themselves.

lol this is where they tried to throw me into the ocean!
but my manly strength overpowered them.

after the beach we basically went back to the city, got pizza and ate in the aotea square.
with me and terina belting out christmas carols and katy perry XD
we were so high on pizza we even tried busking on the streets by singing carols.
too bad a group of islanders were one step ahead of us and did dancing as well... T.T
didn't stop us from singing anyways. or well. me at least.
we did some shopping before finally everyone left...

thats pretty much when the fun stops.

>.> my mom basically forces me to work at the restaurant with her. as repayment for a $5 bag she bought me. D=

this is where i accidentally order someone Combination Fried RICE Noodle instead of Combination Fried Noodle. *Cry*
such. a failure.
i basically am forced to work 3 hours, during RUSH hour, before im finally let to go...

then she said she wouldn't pay me. cos i was "in training"
i wonder how i'd do in a real job?

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