Tuesday, December 30, 2008


lol esther actually rung me up to remind me to update my blog.
needless to say. its a day late.
(lol. 5 days later. i post this. MY BAD)
the whole gang. in or awesome karaoke room.

jess, jeremy and esther. haha. the only picture they would show their faces in.
esthers having fun XD

kai was really pro at karaoke. lmao.
kai and jerry doing a duet!
now joey had this thing where whenever "his song" came up. he would jump to a corner and start belting his heart out...

"my song. back off."
the whole gang!!
joey, jess, esther, alicia, me, chao wei, esther, jeremy, jerry, kai.

overall. it was fun.
i even surprised myself when i realised that i could actually SING a few asian songs... >.>
courtesy of my beautiful angela and her constant singing during our phone calls...
i actually recognised some asian songs.
i miss her.
so. much.

lol kai and jerry. the unlikely couple, doing some nice last minute posing.
aren't they cute. :P

Monday, December 29, 2008

awesome weekends. =D

me with the two gays. jerry and chao wei. taking advantage of free refills.

i've been waiting about 5 hours to post this blog.
as... i couldn't find my phones usb cord... therefore was unable to load any pictures.
so i decided. screw it.
wont blog till i find it.
it also so happened that i trashed my room today...looking for my drum sticks.
which... as luck may have it.
were at church. all along =D
i knew the cord was somewhere. amongst the mess.
but seriously?
i couldn't be bothered.
at least not while "supersize me" and "blair witch project" were on.
which i guess. is the main reason for my delay... not that it really matters.
i guess i just felt like. talking.

anyways. back to the blog.
oh yes.

lovely saturday.
i watched madagascar 2 in the city with kai and my brother!
lol the movie was hilarious. in that. cartoon sort of way i guess.
it was just funny. it made me laugh. i liked it.
and from the sound of the laughters beside me. kai and my brother thoroughly enjoyed it as well. XD

then kai met my mom.
where she pretty much thoroughly harrassed me in front of him.
she whipped me with her cell phone neck strap thing!
yes. this is my mom we're talking about.
and she called me uncle anna T_T
..... my mom ... sometimes. seriously.
the problem is that she's so... young looking. in a good way.
ppl look at her. then they look at me. and they're shocked im her daughter.
usually because she looks too young to have had such an OLD daughter.
now thats just...
a line that cannot be crossed.

okay off topic.

Saturday. apart from being harrassed by mom, movie day. also happend to be my non related distant cousin Joey's 21st birthday party.
which he held at avondale's paradice.

haha. going there brought back memories...

im pretty sure that was the last time most of us were at avondale paradice....
and you should be experiencing a huge dose of nostalgia around about.
cos i am..
so much has changed.... sigh. saving the reminscing for new years eve.

this time i was there with a whole different crew..
lol these were some of the awesome people i went ice skating with. XD
the only white guy.
standing there at the back?
he's like a pro swimmer dude.
i think he swims for nz... not sure. XD didn't pay much attention.

at ice skating.
we did the usual. skate.
but half way through. joey introduced us to a game called boom ball.
or at least thats what i think he called it...
it basically was ice hockey, soccer styles. ish.
we went on ice with shoes, knee pads, elbow pads and these brush stick thingies.
the objective was to get it into the goal. as most games are.

lol. you have no idea just how hard it is to run around in shoes. on ice.
i fell so many times. i lost count.
bruised my whole body just trying to get to the damn ball...
joey scraped his nipple when he fell forward and skidded forward a bit on ice...
seriously blurred pictures... it was hard taking pictures while ice skating ><

others. were smart.
took advantage of their knee pads and skidded around with it.
mind you. this game was mostly guys. i think i was the only girl left playing 10 mins into the game.
it was fun.
but so tiring. and painful.
so eventually. i gave up and went off to play by myself.
melissa, church mate, discovered that we could use the knee pads as slides.
so by running a bit then faling to your knees. you would skid all the way to the otherside of the rink XD
joey came up with something cooler. by pulling me along while i sat on my knees while i holding on to the he broom stick thing.
it was so much fun.
it was a free sleigh ride!!
>< Jess <--bestie!!, esther and mavis. all from church.
me and the birthday boy joey XD yeah. thats how pro we are.

after ice skating we basically just went to mc donalds and pigged out.

did you know they actually DO do free refills at mc donalds?
well the one we went to at least.
hence the picture at the very top.
of us three taking advantage of the refills XD

yeah. we're asian.

i was gonna post sunday up as well.
but. im dead.
and i can handle only so much of C4's insomnia.....
the music starts getting really random at around 3...
a sign that i should probably sleep.

good nights. to all XD

Friday, December 26, 2008

The joys of christmas day...

There was one thing that i really wanted this christmas.
and for once in my life.
i actually got it. XD

a christmas dinner.

a real one.

lol. i guess the one at alastairs wasn't really what you called a christmas dinner... it was more like a gourmet dinner...which was great all the same.
although the things we did together before, during and after definitely felt the part.
it was lonely not having my two best friends there. wenyu and angela both being in china.
but the guys made it fun. XD
especially all them doing their usual gay things together.
it was awesome.

as proof. some pictures from the party. courtesy of jacky.

So. Thank you asian group. For a great christmas themed night of mass hysteria and fun XD

on with my REAL christmas dinner. XD

turns out.
we were going to go have dinner with my european grandma and some other relatives from that side.


this was a real family christmas dinner.
the ones where you would meet up with family and relatives you hadn't seen for months on end.
and then, you would reconnect with, with the usual family christmas dinner.
my parents even left their posts to be at the dinner.
now. that.
was a christmas miracle.

the night was awesome.
we had christmas ham, turkey, salads and potato salads.
christmas cakes and desserts.
i ate till my stomach couldn't handle any more. XD

after that.
i pretty much sat and caught up with my cousins. as we did every year.

we also measured ourselves.
on the door of this cupboard.
its pretty much a family tradition that we do every year at my grandmas..
I GREW 2 cm's!!!!!!!!!! XD

Aaron, Joshua, Aliza, Me, Jeremy
to the very left is uncle michael, dad of josh, aaron and aliza and to the very right is graham my grandpa XD
My dad and his sister XD [aunty caroline, grandpa and my dad]

Great aunty christine and great uncle frank (my grandma's brother) and their daughter my aunty ruth.

ooo. XD this is my swedish uncle, uncle thomas. he's married to aunty ruth.
haha. my two grandma's. XD in otherwords. my dad's mums...
this picture took us ages. josh has no idea how to pose like an asian. tsk. XD but dont we look cool XD
me and my favourite little cousin aliza XD love her to bits!

originally, we had bought our sony camera. but. my mom forgot to let it charge. so it had no battery =.=
so i had to use my crappy 3.2 megapixel camera instead.
lol which is why its so blurry..
sorry. T_T

after dinner, we walked over to my cousins and we played cranium. lol. which was pretty fun XD
all till midnight.

and that.
is my awesome christmas day.
and i guess.
now. i know what makes christmas christmas. (refer to earlier post)
love and family. XD
okay.. corny i know. but it is family and love really do make christmas, christmas. XD
so guys.
i hope you guys spent your christmas with the ones you love...
it is them that has really made my christmas worth it this year.

with christmas coming to an end.
i guess it suddenly occurred to me, how much fast time has been moving. and just how much has happened this year...
with only a few days to go before the end of the year... i really want to make the most of 2008.
it has been. a great year.

i'll save the reminiscing for the 31st. XD

good night all.

WENYU. or ANGELA if you're reading this.
i love you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

PARTY DAY!!! XD jo yee's 16th.

[classic anna asian pose]

Today. Was an eventful day.
and i don't think i ever want to walk. again. >.>

it started off early.
with my dad giving me and my brother each $100 bucks to buy christmas presents for all you guys >.>
well. actually more like for all you girls.
sorry guys. i ran out of money... ^^;;
But thats besides the point.

Today. was Jo Yee's BIRTHDAY!! (party)
which i must say, turned out pretty damn fun.
it was an all girls party, which i thought i would mind at first... until i saw the girls.
damn. i just realised i forgot to take pictures.. dammit. meh oh wells. XD
i played hero and helped all the helpless girls who didn't know how to skate on ice. mwohohohohoho. XD they love me.
and besides them i also made friends with a couple of australians my age.
and this little girl. ><
maaan. she was so damn cute.
and actually gave me a hug. *sniff*

but besides all the cute girls there were...
deep down inside i still hoped for some eye candy.
you know?
just as i was about to give up.
a group of guys joined the skating rink.
i was pretty much singing "halleluja!"
haha XD
there was this one asian guy in green...
he was pretty alright looking.
and a serious pro at ice skating.
haha. basically just used him for eye candy.
i caught him staring at me a few times.
cos im just that awesome. lmao.

lol. other than that.
i think i fell down about 4 times while ice skating.
half the time was while i was "attempting" to dance to the music.
serious fail.
but massive fun.
you guys should seriously try it...
as i couldn't really move the legs much. i managed to get this whole ass swinging, mass arm movement dance thing sorted XD
and i must say.
i looked awesome.
at least i think thats why everyone was staring...
haha either way. it was a lot of careless fun.
XD we all just went round and round and round dancing and singing.
now that.
is a great. girls day out. XD

After getting her fair share of presents me and jo yee went over to sylvia park.
where i had to ditch her halfway to quickly buy her, her birthday present >.>
after running back and fourth from the warehouse and the cd dvd store.
i finally managed to buy her a plain white tee's album.
$30 *cry*

we pretty much spent about 5 hours in total at sylvia park shopping.
doing some choice posing along the way. XD

i wish i could've worn this at ice skating.
that would have DEFINITELY caught mr green shirts attention XD

while i was at the 2 dollar store.
there were so many things i wanted to buy for the asian crew...
bunny ears for philip.
a monkey for ryan.
a pink bunny for kai.
big red lips for william lmao.
a "jingle my balls" santa shirt from supre for jacky
except... i ran out of money... oh well..

maybe next time XD

oh my gosh.
at the warehouse.
they sold this dinosaur which you could ride.
when you fed it. it would make noises and eat the leaf.

childrens toys these days...

by the time i got home.
i pretty much died.
but not before posting this.
it was definitely an eventful day...

rock out. XD

Mission Bay Trip!! (pictures down below!!)

Okay. this is pretty much purely for the sake of wenyu.
just so you know. you can stalk me online. =D
Wednesday, the day after you left, was when we all went to mission bay.
i woke up that morning pretty excited... i even wanted to wear shorts.
but the weather outside was actually starting to look pretty shit.
i mean there were like angry grey clouds threatening rain on us.

so i decided to stick with my classic skinny jeans. which i end up regretting later...

Since the weather was turning bad on us, i thought maybe we could just cancel and watch a movie instead.


emily, haley and terina were all determined to go to the beach.
so me and jacky just followed along.
lol surprisingly the weather wasn't actually that bad when we got there.
so we actually went to play on the beach. XD

this where i went a little mental and started messing around by the water.
even tho i had sneakers socks and jeans that i knew would most likely get wet.
which they did.

and straight after that happened.
the grey angry clouds caught up with us and started spitting at us. literally. spitting.
so we ran for the nearest shelter.
across the street.
at movenpick (crap. i have no idea how to spell that place)

che. well.
since we were there.
we all decided to get ice creams
ooo the lady let us try samples of some of the flavours.
jacky. that greedy git actually asked to sample ALL the flavours. >.>
we all just stood there pretending we didn't know him....

ooo did you know
they give away free water there?? =D
its soooo awesome man. XD

i had the the chocolate supreme one. (thats not the name.... but it did have a lot of chocolate in it) there was like this MASSIVE piece of chocolate stuck right in the middle of my ice cream.
i had a hard time eating it as it was so bloody cold especially when i tried to bite down on it.

but meh. i finished it either way.
tasted. bloody. awesome XD

ahh anyways.
by the time we finished.
the weather FINALLY let up.
so we went back to the beach to play.
jacky the pussy finally decided to join us
and took off his chucks and managed to roll up his skinny jeans to just above his ankles.
which i must say.
looks completely hilarious on him LMAO.
heres a pic.

well. yeah. we had fun.
the pictures can speak for themselves.

lol this is where they tried to throw me into the ocean!
but my manly strength overpowered them.

after the beach we basically went back to the city, got pizza and ate in the aotea square.
with me and terina belting out christmas carols and katy perry XD
we were so high on pizza we even tried busking on the streets by singing carols.
too bad a group of islanders were one step ahead of us and did dancing as well... T.T
didn't stop us from singing anyways. or well. me at least.
we did some shopping before finally everyone left...

thats pretty much when the fun stops.

>.> my mom basically forces me to work at the restaurant with her. as repayment for a $5 bag she bought me. D=

this is where i accidentally order someone Combination Fried RICE Noodle instead of Combination Fried Noodle. *Cry*
such. a failure.
i basically am forced to work 3 hours, during RUSH hour, before im finally let to go...

then she said she wouldn't pay me. cos i was "in training"
i wonder how i'd do in a real job?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas... 7 days away. and counting...

And the fundamental question that lies with it.

Is Santa Real?!

okay no. not that one.
i found out the answer to that one a long time ago. a bit earlier than i had hoped. but meh. a childs innocence isn't really something you can protect anymore nowadays.

the real question is.

What makes christmas, christmas?

the presents?

the food?

the decoration?


i don't know anymore...

christmas is one of those holidays that i really want to celebrate.
considering i barely got to celebrate halloween this year...
so this year
i really want to get into the christmas spirit!

but. alas.
no matter how hard i try.. it doesn't seem to be sinking in yet...
i've put up decorations. made a playlist. planned presents and everything!
but... i dunno.

and their perfect snow covered christmas's.

i really want what they have.
a white christmas, snowmen and all.
having all the family over, from the crazy grandmas to the lesbian aunty...
and the food. oh that christmas ham and turkey. (okay so thats thanksgiving. whatever)
oh and not to forget the huge christmas tree with a decorated house to match and the presents. yes the presents.
who could forget. christmas morning. waking up early to a pile of presents...

but in the end...
i guess. its the family that makes christmas christmas.
i just wish.. my family could do that.
but considering the restaurants open christmas day....
ah. joy.

good night all.

xxx <3

Thursday, December 4, 2008

wow. look what procrastination led me to....


so i never really planned to start my own personal blog etc.
but as i was doing my thing. procrastinating.
i saw esther and jess's pages.
lol to jess's. its so cute. im gonna start becoming a frequent visitor.
and yours too esther. =P

i figured
you know what?
why not?

so here it is... =D

theres still a lot of sprucing up to be done.
but. meh. its alive.

while im here. might as well blog.

this saturday.
i just realised how much i had to do and how little time i had.
and crap my msn is flashing 8 ppl. argh.
lol nvm.
i feel an exhilaration. knowing that im needed.
and pain as i worry about expectations.

as they do.

where to find helium....
anyways i look forward to saturday and my failed attempts at being a waiter.
as long as i get to wait table 13 im fine. XD

you know what i cant be bothered with fancy lettering and colours.
so i'll leave it as it is.
