Thursday, June 25, 2009

i have swine flu


from monday through to tuesday
fevers ravaged me...
leaving me completely useless.
my brother made me check
i didn't have swine flu
so i went through the list of symptons...

  • Moderate to severe illness lasting 7-10 days. >___> i think i don't have that..i hope
  • Usually a high fever check
  • Shivering attacks yup....
  • Muscular pains ugh.. yes..
  • Headache (may be severe) the whole day...
  • Dry cough may become moist right to the little detail...
  • Vomit occasionally i feel like it. a lot. does that count? edit: screw it. just vomited. a few times. great wake up call.
  • Can suffer severe complications (pneumonia) nope..
  • Bedridden hence why i've been sleeping for so long.

long analysis short.

and a trip to the doctors later...
they have determined that...

i have the flu.
its not the swine flu.
but the flu nonetheless


swine flu. flu.
they're practically the same things...
and guess which is deadlier?

the common flu.

great. great great..

at least the temperatures gone down...
but this damn
this feeling of wanting to vomit
just. won't. go. away..

thank God for tmrw...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

what the shit...

i keep meaning to blog.
but i cant
because i want to load pictures.
which i cant
because my internets too slow
which is slow
because my brother used up all our bandwith
by watching tons of cartoon episodes..

life has been hectic.
from being asked to the ball
to being spit on.
how do describe a week like that?

by not bothering to..

my emotions have been an absolute trainwreck
from utter happiness
to complete bitchiness.
i cant understand it.
i keep blaming the chocolate..
but now i think its because of the insomnia
or maybe its nothing at all
and im just desperately trying to deny the fact
that perhaps
its all me..

on a completely different note.
guess what i learnt from private practise?

i finally realise the importance of those injections..
not only will it prevent
cervical cancer for us.
we can prevent it from transferring to our partners...
in which they could end up with ..

throat. cancer...>___>

put two and two together..
and you can probably guess how it happened..



i also keep dreaming about kyle from kyle x y
or in other words. known as the hot guy from katy perry's video "thinking of you"
he has.
the bluest.
most beautiful eyes in the world..
and man.
those dreams...
he's just so..
and... cuddly...
and... sexy XD

hormones. suck.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

emotional rollercoasters?

i don't know why.
but these days it feels as if i cant seem to make up my mind as to what to feel.

what. the. hell.

i think its because.
these days i've just been eating waaay too much chocolate.
simply because..
of cravings...
and you know how chocolate makes you happy?
because it releases endorphins or some shit?

well i've come to the conclusion
that. it doesnt.
it just puts you on a freakin massive EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER.
seriously fucks you up mentally as well.

probably backing up my favourite saying.

"you can never have too much of a good thing." =___=


on another note..

here's at least something that lightens up my emo mood.




"with love

thank you jacky.
for making my day... for a few days in a row.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

not entirely useless blogging....

well for one thing.
i should probably say that my previous post was a complete anti climax....
as it turns out.
God was kind.

on another note.
so much has happened since then.

-for one thing... i've been driving.. non illegally...*cough* a lot recently.

-i got my first free bottle of beer from an art gallery. XD heh.
im surprised they even gave it to me since as soon as i asked for it, i could feel myself turn completely red, before i even drank anything.

the unbelievable has been done.
and yes.
i can actually see my floor again.

-i dropped my laptop while i was sleeping...
i thought it was a pillow...
so i pushed it off...
amazingly. it still works.
but my screen screws up every once and a while.

and last but not least....

-i had lunch with my mum, dad, and brother... all at the same time D=
yes. thats right.
i experienced a rare family gathering...

of course. it happened at one of our restaurants...

how amazingly lucky am i....