Monday, March 30, 2009

insomnia strikes again

just got back from camp
and sore.

i've somehow managed to procrastinate ALL my homework...

and now.

im procrastinating sleep.

just great.

how the hell am i supposed to make it through school tomorrow?

screw it.

on another note.
i freaking
l o v e

"Metronomy - A Thing For Me" <--i love you too.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

obsessively shadowing... =D

god that damn chicken pie
gave me the worse diarrhea ever.
i didn't even make it to period 2 yesterday... >____>

but on another note.

i've decided to stop this nonsense.
somehow, things have just gotten way out of hand...
i need to stop.
but in reality
i know i cant stop.
i wouldn't call it stalking..exactly.
but man.
you have no idea just how exciting it can be.
and man.
is it addictive.

so maybe its not him making me want to stalk him...
maybe its just the whole idea of stalking him.
or the actual act of stalking itself.

just the adrenaline rush you get from stalking...
so maybe i can get over 'him'
but the whole stalking thing could take awhile..
i guess maybe i just need a new victim...
someone new.
someone completely oblivious..
yes. i can see it now...


on another note completely

i was watching family guy the other day
and there was a scene where the guys were discussing
"if they weren't married" who would they do.
and as they were going through all the chicks.
i couldn't help but google to find exactly who they were.

peter. was like. "oh thats easy. that chick with the three boobs from total recall"
i definitely had to find out who that was.
or at least what she looked like.
and man was it worth googling...


that. SO. made my day... haha.
thank you total recall...

for uncensored version.
just google chick with 3 boobs total recall.
apparently one of them's paper mache...
that still doesn't make much sense tho...whatever.

Monday, March 23, 2009

my. freakin. dignity.

i. have. no. dignity.

i always seem to do shit like that to myself.

so i was walking home from school
as i turned around
i noticed 3 korean guys from my schools.
god no they weren't hot
kinda stuck up and full of themselves
and they live in front of me.
so here i was thinking.
i don't want to have to walk with guys like them.
so i started walking faster.
trying to walk off in a cool fashion
i wouldn't say cool
but i guess i just wanted to walk off quickly.

just as i was picking up a little pace
i managed to step into a massive ditch
and stumbled around for a while
arms flailing
before falling to my knees and hands
in front of those guys
and well.
all of the road users...
my dignity.
my dignity.
it hurt like SHIT
but of course.
i couldn't just fall.
and stay there.
so i stood up fast and practically ran off.
with the blood dripping off my leg

i know


so yeah.
thats my dignity.
out the window.

on another note.
i may die from food poisoning.
due to a lovely chicken pie me and wenyu bought today.
which definitely did not LOOK or TASTE like chicken pie. >___>

its BROWN!!
chicken pie's usually WHITE
and the after taste....

if you don't see me tomorrow.
you'll know why...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

heart goes boom.

beautiful drawing by a lovely person on

funny how easily the heart decides to change its mind.
not that mine has.
but i was just thinking...
just how easy it is for it to suddenly. change.

while at the same time.
its funny how stubborn the heart can be...
how it seems to have a mind of its own.
not that mine does either.
i hope.

here's a little poem thing or just some words spread out in a particular way that i wrote sometime last year till now
in amongst all the confusion of the flurry of emotions at the time. its been tweaked with words added and taken away, all depending on how i was feeling at the time of writing.

i've always had a dislike for love.
what is it anyway?
the only reason we have all these
damn confusing feelings
is because of our damned hormones
telling us to
for the sake of survival.
i know.

when i yearn
for love,
i yearn to experience
that first kiss.
that second kiss.
that hundredth kiss.
but what can i do
when i cant even
that first
as much as i want to.
i just cant seem to.
part of me
is still not ready.
ready to leave this security
my comfort zone
there is simply
too much
to lose.

the thing about
is that they strip you down
to your core
strip down all your shields
and guards that you put up
your soft, pulsating insides

become your clothes
and in turn.
but at the same time
you are still left standing there
naked and vulnerable
susceptible to pain
no shields
no masks
to further hide behind
the pain is pure
and excruciatingly true
and there's nothing
you can do
except to
accept it all
whole heartedly


there's nothing
you can do
to stop it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

things long due...

random picture log.

oh man.
just looking at this still makes me laugh.

a certain someone, while going to the bathroom, thought that they could balance their math text book by placing it on top of the toilet paper dispenser box.
which did.
until it decided to fall into the toilet bowl.
AFTER. this anonymous person went in it.

ahhhhhh... maan.

and that certain person is still using that text book now.

i see some "chemistry" going on here.
heh. heh. =P

ain't this adorable.
i went to great lengths to get this photo
(took it when the teacher wasn't looking)


don't hurt me ><


here's some pics from davids TEA PARTY
in which he actually trusted us enough to let us CUT HIS HAIR.
i think everyone did a great job.
especially. me. *cough*
okay ... so i went a little overboard...
and possibly cut a bit too much.
it turned out okay!!
ish. haha.

this is all the hair i got to cut off.

the crazy hair cutting girls. plus elia. he didn't do anything.
we all just basicallly took turns cutting at his hair until. well. it was short.

This is how he looked just BEFORE wenyu went and decided to keep cutting at his fringe and give him the mushroom cut.
and we were actually doing a good job on his hair.

instead. he looks like this.

drew this in 5 mins to give a better idea of what he looked like.



i know i know.
its extremely emo.
i still kinda like it. XD
see the connection of pandas?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

wednesday's nights.

there's just something about wednesday's. that makes me just want to.
and its not exactly like i have all the free time either.

in fact. while im while wasting my precious time typing this up. i should in fact be studying for a pretty important accounting test tomorrow.
mr subramanian. or something or the rather.
oh that big bear.
oh how i fear your anger....
he's so scary that. even when i want to procrastinate. i actually do my accounting homework first. before i procrastinate >___>

maybe its the power of fear that makes you work.
that sense of anxiety mixed in with a good load of adrenaline.
knowing you have a dead line. but still putting it off till the last minute.
kind of hoping. that by some miracle, it will solve itself.
now im starting to feel slightly dejavu ish.
as im pretty sure i had this conversation before. with someone telling me the exact same thing.
i am not plagiarizing...
but yes.
that adrenaline rush. how everybody loves and hates it.
me especially.

now. instead of wasting time on this poor little neglected blog.
i probably should and could be doing some good old research on adultery. punishment. and sacrifice...
i guess i just don't feel in the mood.

i guess the reason why wednesdays are so distracting are that usually. i get home late.
and. wednesday night tv is just so. good.
how could i possibly resist??
hmmm get home at 5. simpsons. then my wife and kids. neighbours (its actually alright!). friends. futurama. two and a half men & scrubs/90210. lost. CHUCK. torchwood (tonights was about a human eating shapeshifter who artificially inseminated this human. and now they're in a pregnant bella situation (breaking dawn ftw!). and well now im here. typing away.

yes. i know.
i watch way too much tv.

and yes.
you probably didn't read half the crap i wrote up there.

there's just something intimidating about large long paragraphs.

while short phrases.



might catch just a little bit more attention.
damn now im rambling again.
all good.
no one important reads this anyway.

good night world.
im going to do some very last minute homework now=D
