Thursday, October 15, 2009

strange tendencies...

one thing i've realised about myself recently, is that while i'm up late doing homework and such, i have a strange tendency...
to talk to myself.
and to make it worse, i do so in a horrible, horrible british accent.
half the time i don't even realise i'm doing so until i suddenly hear myself.
i mean, i've always this tendency to talk to myself. but it seems, that as the years go by, and as i gradually become more and more stressed, i tend to talk myself more frequently.
it would begin as simply voicing out loud my thoughts
to me having a full conversation...with myself.
its quite.. strange, i know. even for me.
but its just, one of those habits that seem to have evolved into a life of its own...

although really.
the british accent?
maybe its because of my secret admiration for the british accent, or maybe i've just been watching too much skins...
but it feels like, while im talking in this accent, i feel like another person.
almost like an alter ego of some sort.
maybe i have a multiple personality disorder..
would a person know if they had multiple personality disorder?
all of this is too strange really.

as much as i would like to keep rambling.
i realise it is almost 3am. and i have an english internal to do tomorrow morning...
i guess 5 hours of sleep it is..


winnie said...

I do this all the time! just not in a british accent. people tell me to shut up =/

TianYang Li said...

girls these days just get weirder and weirder xD!!!

pessimistic procrastinator said...

LOL. hmm maybe you're right.. we are getting weirder and weirder..
oh we are so screwed for the future.><

Tracy said...

I'd like to hear your british accent lol...i also have entire conversations with myself...i usually tell myself off for my own stupidity...sometimes i even talk while practising flute >< and maths ..maths is the worst!! im amazed i can refrain from talking to myself in exams...but i do mouth it a bit....but really...the british accent?? maybe you shud get sleeping pills ....sounds like a case of severe sleep deprivation?? and multiple personality?? nah your too predictable for that :D