Tuesday, May 19, 2009

too much sleep syndrome...

i don't know.
maybe its because i've been living off 6 hours of sleep for the past few years of my life
or something like that
but i just cant seem to stop sleeping.

for instance.
just today.
i managed to take a four hour nap...
which is actually a huge waste of time.
if you think about it.

amazingly, it wasn't of waste.
while i was sleeping, i was supposed to be planning games for my youth group this week...
so when i fell asleep...
i was thinking.
oh. shit. now im never going to get anything done.

but something amazing happened.

i predicted the future. =]

sort of.

i had one of those "you think you're awake but you're actually still sleeping" dreams,
in which i thought i finally managed to wake up from my massive sleep attack
and started doing my work.
so i managed to plan the game for my youth... in my sleep.

i know.


needless to say.
i was extremely thankful.
maybe it was a sign from God.
either way.
im thankful.

but this still doesn't hide the fact that i can't seem to stop sleeping...
i feel like.
i could sleep forever.
if i could..

but im pretty sure that wouldn't be sleep anymore.
it'd be a full on coma.

so i decided.
what better way to figure this out?
than to google it.

so i typed in "too much sleep syndrome"
and it surprisingly gave me. a good link.

Sleep disorders involve any difficulties related to sleeping, including difficulty falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, excessive total sleep time, or abnormal behaviors associated with sleep.

which is where i discovered
a disorder called
Psychophysiological insomnia

which has absolutely nothing to do with my too much sleep syndrome.
but i guess it has something to do with the way everyone else is living...

so. it is a disorder.

in which people actually create... insomnia. for themselves.
where it becomes not a neurological disorder. but more of a psychological one...
as if we didn't already have enough troubles of our own...
which really gets me thinking...
that we are so screwed up, that we actually create disorders for ourselves. to suffer from...

i really don't get humans.

maybe i need more sleep.

P.S - i always thought narcolepsy meant that the person suffering from it basically suffered from sleeping a lot. but as it turns out... they actually don't sleep for long periods, instead they have episodes of sudden daytime sleeping ("sleep attack"), usually preceded by drowsiness.

screw it.

im going back to sleep.


Jacky Su said...

What'd you know.
I learnt something.

Jojo Cupcake said...

Reading about sleep makes me want to sleep.
Have to study damn it...

Tracy said...

wish i cud sleep 2much...not enuf sleep lately...maybe something 2 do with the stress of changing schools and my upcoming flute exam do u think? *tone of sarcasm* promise ill update u on the trials of my life soon....wen i get time 2 write a flipping essay...lol...